I love my job. I love getting to meet so many new people, share their stories, and if just for an hour or two (or ten!), freeze those stories in time. There is something magical about looking back on significant moments in your life and recalling every little detail. What you felt, how it smelled, what music was playing at the time. Photographs allow us to revisit those moments in ways that make them come back to life. As a mom, I realize more than ever just how fleeting time really is. Gone are the days of longing for the years to pass so I could get to the next phase of life. Because when I look at my two little girls, I am painfully aware of just how quickly the days fly by.
A little over 3 years ago, we welcomed our oldest, Adelyn, into the world. Two years later, nearly to the day, our littlest addition, Elsie, made her appearance. Becoming a mom has radically redesigned my world. These two beauties are more than I could have ever imagined – they are sassier, smarter, sweeter, more beautiful, more loving, more significant to me than I could have ever known. And they are growing up far too quickly.
In February, when they celebrated their first and third birthdays, we arranged a little photoshoot in our new home studio. To be honest, it went terribly. Adelyn did not want to cooperate, Elsie had just started walking and wanted to be on the move, and Smitty and I were pretty much ready to kill each other by the end! Ha! But they looked cute (thanks to Lauren + Maggie at Branded by Beauty) and the setup was darling (vintage rentals from 2 Chicks and a Trunk), and when it was all said and done, we managed to capture some pretty cute images I know we will love for years and years! I mean, really, what’s not to love about chubby babies covered in cake, right? 😉 Enjoy these photos of my two little ladies today! WARNING: Possible photo overload ahead!

Mommy even made a cameo!!